Thanks for publishing! Hopefully people still participate in Twitter. It’s interesting to see someone who has a personal brand with actual tangible property and shareholders and regulators to contend with.
Thanks for your comment, Sean. It's a fascinating moment of social negotiation, which is why I wanted to drop this episode - although (as one listener commented in an email to me), it's a bit "high concept" LOL. But it also shows how negotiation is everywhere all the time in small personal ways and huge societal ways - and how we navigate it!
Thanks for publishing! Hopefully people still participate in Twitter. It’s interesting to see someone who has a personal brand with actual tangible property and shareholders and regulators to contend with.
Thanks for your comment, Sean. It's a fascinating moment of social negotiation, which is why I wanted to drop this episode - although (as one listener commented in an email to me), it's a bit "high concept" LOL. But it also shows how negotiation is everywhere all the time in small personal ways and huge societal ways - and how we navigate it!